Funerals at Saint Bonaventure |
Funeral Planning
The loss of a loved one is a difficult and painful time. At Saint Bonaventure, we are here to support you through prayer and pastoral care. When a loved one dies, family members meet with the clergy and the music director to plan the funeral Mass or service. They will gently guide family members to select fitting scripture readings and music. Family members offer insights into the life of the deceased, and these recollections may be incorporated into the homily.
The loss of a loved one is a difficult and painful time. At Saint Bonaventure, we are here to support you through prayer and pastoral care. When a loved one dies, family members meet with the clergy and the music director to plan the funeral Mass or service. They will gently guide family members to select fitting scripture readings and music. Family members offer insights into the life of the deceased, and these recollections may be incorporated into the homily.
Opportunities for family members to participate in the funeral Mass or service
- Family members may put a white pall on the casket at the church doors or carry the urn in during the procession.
- The family may select special musicians. Our Resurrection Choir will support the assembly with musical worship.
- Readers proclaim the Old and New Testament readings and the Prayers of the Faithful.
- At a Mass, gift bearers bring bread and wine to the priest at the beginning of the Liturgy of the Eucharist. Generally, two people present the gifts at the altar; however, sometimes a whole family (including children) will serve as gift bearers.
- If commissioned as Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, family members may assist with the distribution of Holy Communion.
Funeral Hospitality
Our Funeral Hospitality Ministry brings forth the caring presence of the community by serving a meal for family and friends following the funeral liturgy of a loved one. During funeral planning, family members arrive at an estimated number of guests for the meal. The meal is prepared by a caterer hired by the family and served by parishioners. After the meal, the Funeral Hospitality volunteers clean up and pack any leftovers for the family to take.
Our Funeral Hospitality Ministry brings forth the caring presence of the community by serving a meal for family and friends following the funeral liturgy of a loved one. During funeral planning, family members arrive at an estimated number of guests for the meal. The meal is prepared by a caterer hired by the family and served by parishioners. After the meal, the Funeral Hospitality volunteers clean up and pack any leftovers for the family to take.
Saint Bonaventure Catholic Community
901 East 90th Street Bloomington, MN 55420-3801 Phone: 952-854-4733 Email: [email protected] |